Reference no: EM132476006
Assignment - For this task you are required to perform a health assessment interview for an adult. You may utilise any heath history model or tool used in class.
The written submission must discuss, firstly how you established and maintained rapport, and secondly how you effectively questioned an adult client. Include considerations and techniques used along with rationales supported by literature. Refer to Appendix A of the unit outline for further information.
Step by step approach to Assessment Task 1.
1. Review the topic in the unit outline very carefully, be clear on what the question is asking you to provide. Note due date and time, number of words and if the paper is an assignment, an essay, a case study, a report etc.
2. Read the marking rubric. The rubric for AT 1 is the Appendix of the Unit Outline. What is a rubric? A rubric is a scoring guide used to direct students when writing the assignment and to guide markers when scoring the assignment. The rubric lists the criteria to be addressed in the assignment and describes the quality of answers required for each grade category.
3. Research and read around the topic, see what information your text books have on the topic. Search for relevant peer reviewed journal articles relating to your topic. Some readings are provided for you. Links to your text books are in the Reading list on LEO in the Overview tile. The 3 text books relevant to AT 1 are at the top of the
reading list and marked as core texts. I will refer to them throughout this guide as Potter and Perry (fundamentals text), Jarvis (health assessment text) and O' Toole (communication text). I recommend you read all these readings as part of your preparation as it will help you understand the topic before you start writing.
The readings are grouped according to which criteria they address.
For some assessment tasks web sites may be helpful, but only use credible sources on the internet. A credible source is current and from an established institution or organisations with expertise such as Australian Government sites, Anti Cancer Council, AIHW, ACSQHC, AHPRA etc. Never cite Better Health Channel or Wikipedia as sources to support an academic paper. This is because the authorship is anonymous, and content is not verified by experts.
4. Select a health assessment or heath history tool such as those used in laboratory class or from text books and conduct the interview. For this task you are required to perform a health assessment interview for an adult. It does not matter which tool you use, it is just to help you frame your interview questions. You may decide to develop your own health interview questions.
Food for thought - what things do you need to consider when planning and implementing your interview in order to establish rapport? E.g. physical set up, timing, location, etc. What do you have to consider about your own presentation in order to build rapport? You may find content from Jarvis Chapter 2: The Health Assessment Interview, p61 first section called Introduction helpful as it describes 'terms' you might find helpful for framing your interview. How might these 'terms' assist in establishing rapport?
5. Plan your answer for each section of the rubric. Decide which resources support your answer and think about how you will use the resources to support your writing. Recheck word limits, use headings, etc make sure you refer to your client in your answers when required to provide examples.
Headings are
- Introduction
- Considerations for establishing and maintaining rapport
- Techniques used to establish and maintain rapport
- Effective questioning techniques
- Conclusion
6. Write your first draft answers to each section. You must reference everything you write that is not your own original thought with a credible source such a text book or journal article.
7. Finally attempt to mark your paper against the rubric. Have you provided what is required? Have you addressed each part of the requirements for each of the criteria? Does your writing make sense, are your sentences clear?
8. APA 6 - Format as per APA 6 document formatting.
Heading 1 - Introduction
Make sure you provide an introduction that meets the purpose of an introduction, that is clearly informs the reader what will be discussed and in what order. The introduction should provide some general statements about the topic, and in this case, it is very helpful to include a definition of rapport as it is a key term used throughout the assignment. You should have a clear understanding of what rapport is in the context of your role as a health professional. An introduction should be clear, concise and entice the reader to want to read more.
Heading 2- Considerations for establishing and maintaining rapport.
What factors did you need to consider when attempting to establish and maintain rapport with your adult client? Provide evidence and examples to support your discussion.
Heading 3 - Techniques used to establish and maintain rapport
Discuss communication techniques used to establish and maintain rapport. Provide evidence to support your discussion.
Evidence means literature, text books, journal article etc, it means you must use academic sources for example, text books or journal articles to support why a particular technique was helpful for building rapport.
Heading 4 - Effective questioning techniques.
What therapeutic communication techniques did you use when questioning your client for the purposes of health assessment interview? Provide evidence and examples to support your discussion. Do not include establishing and maintaining rapport in this response
When answering this section make sure you include examples from your health interview and do not mention any of the techniques used for establishing rapport. Once again evidence is needed to support your writing.
Heading 5 - Conclusion
A conclusion summarises what has been covered in the assignment it does not introduce any new content.
Attachment:- Health Assessment File.rar