Discuss cloud computing and saas

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13866225

You have been asked to present to the steering committee of your organization a Future of Data Warehousing presentation. Your team has decided to discuss 1) cloud computing, 2) SaaS (software as a service), 3) web, social media, and big data, and 4) real-time data. Create a PowerPoint with a minimum of 5-7 slides to present how data warehousing is headed in these four directions. Include slide notes.

Reference no: EM13866225

Questions Cloud

Why is real-time data warehousing important : what kinds of applications require real-time data warehousing? Discuss applications that do not require real-time data warehousing. What is the difference between the two and why is real-time data warehousing important only to some applications
Provide potential for long term growth with adult population : the wall street journal reported that drug stocks provide a potential for long term growth with over 55% of the adult population of the united states taking perscription drugs daily.
What is the basis for the difference in liability? : Distinguish between common-law liability and statutory liability for auditors What is the basis for the difference in liability?
Critical analyze of the performance of case study : Provide a thorough understanding of Requirements and important factors in an engineer's role to create and maintain sustainable environment via a real-life scenario project
Discuss cloud computing and saas : Your team has decided to discuss 1) cloud computing, 2) SaaS (software as a service), 3) web, social media, and big data, and 4) real-time data. Create a PowerPoint with a minimum of 5-7 slides to present how data warehousing is headed in these fo..
The internal controls of a client? : What is the responsibility of management and the auditor with respect to the internal controls of a client? Group on disclosed a material weakness in its internal controls saying that it had failed to set aside enough money to cover customer refunds..
Circuit theory-investigate complex waves : Describe in details the Thévenin's and Norton's theorems. Compare and contrast the above theorems.
Find the critical values and identify the rejection region : Find the critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s). Find the standardized test statistic z. Decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Directaccess and remote access benefits : DirectAccess and Remote Access Benefits


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