Discuss case study related to recent attack on power systems

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132221513

Security Challenges in Emerging Networks -

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills to independently think of innovation. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs:

c. Explain the major methodologies for secure networks and what threats they address;
d. Identify and report network threats, select and implement appropriate countermeasures for network security.

Assignment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills to independently think of innovation. In this assignment students will first learn how to develop knowledge based on current state of the art of an emerging knowledge domain. Then they will learn how to identify plausible security issues in this emerging network-based applications, and finally learn the skill of adding knowledge to existing domain by theoretically developing the corresponding protection mechanism for a particular issue.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are based on the interaction between digital, analog, physical, and human components engineered for function using integrated physics and logic. These systems aim to provide the basis of our critical infrastructure which results in the basis of emerging and future smart services, and improve our quality of life in many areas [1].

Smart Grid is one of the CPS technologies, which develops and implements measurement science underpinning modernisation of the Nation's electrical power system (electric grid) in order to improve system efficiency, reliability and sustainability, by incorporating distributed intelligence, bi- directional communications and power flows, and additional advancements. For a smart grid network, communications infrastructure/protocols and wireless networking will play an important role in achieving these objectives. As Smart grid adopts new technologies, this emerging field also faces new security threats. Security of Smart Grid networks is a prime concern in today's World.

This assignment includes five parts

1. Literature review on Smart Grid Networks.

The literature review should be supported by at least three (3) academic (Journal/Conference) papers chosen from the current state of the art.

Your discussion should include:
i. Smart Grid network architecture (System Component and Network Components)
ii. Recent developments in Smart Grid networks
iii. The importance of cyber security in Smart Grid networks

2. Analyse critically, three current or possible future security issues in Smart Grid networks.

In this section you will analyse critically, three security issues in Smart Grid networks. These issues should be taken from the current state of the art. This section must be supported by at least three (3) references.

3. Propose a possible solution for one of the threats identified in section-2.

In this part you need to choose one of the issues identified in the previous section and propose a possible solution to this particular security issue.

4. Analyse and discuss a case study related to recent attack on power systems.

In this section, students will analyse and discuss a recent attack on the networked power system with proper reference.

5. Create a 3 - 5 minutes presentation and present your work during the Lab.

You have to create a 3 - 5 minutes presentation to present your work in front of your class.

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Verified Expert

"The topic of the assignment is, Security Challenges in Emerging Networks.The assignment is specifically on the security challenges of the smart grid networks.Smart grid is a recent trend in power supply systems that relies heavily on automated process control using computerized systems.It is a type of cyber information systems.The report covers different security challenges and possible solutions for power grid."

Reference no: EM132221513

Questions Cloud

What steps could you take to develop more resilience : What steps could you take to develop more resilience in your practice setting? 2. How might you communicate a change in practice to patients and nursing peers?
Describe communication behaviors that can lead to conflict : Write a 2-page article on interpersonal conflict. Define conflict and explain how communication behaviors and individual differences contribute to interpersonal
Explain why you think those factors are important : Determine the key factors that you feel are the most important in creating a welcoming environment and the key factors that become obstacles.
Explain role of both functional and dysfunctional conflict : Develop a 3-page report on how conflict can affect an organization. Describe reasons for conflict and explain the role of both functional and dysfunctional.
Discuss case study related to recent attack on power systems : MN502 - Overview of Network Security - Security Challenges in Emerging Networks - Explain the major methodologies for secure networks and what threats
Review problem on need for certification : Using a search engine such as Google, do an online search for "First Aid Certification Required." Select one article with information about a profession.
Determine the major advantages that global companies have : From the e-Activity, examine two (2) instances when multinational companies have used offensive or defensive competitive strategies.
What would you do during the speech preparation phase : What would you do during the speech preparation phase to maximize the likelihood of convincing this audience that your position is valid? Provide some specific.
Propose the necessary major steps-including education : Suggest two (2) global changes in expansion, technology, marketing, products, services, human resources, and customer service, etc.



1/23/2019 1:00:40 AM

Reference Style /5 Clear styles with excellent source of references Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors Presentation slides /5 Well organised and resourceful Organised and resourceful Resourceful but could be better organised Resourceful slides Neither resourceful nor well organised Oral Presentation /5 Good delivery, easy to follow and good interaction Delivered, easy to follow and provided a level of interaction Delivered and provided a level of interaction Delivered No oral presentation


1/23/2019 1:00:27 AM

Case Study /10 Excellent discussion about the case study Very Good discussion about the case study Good discussion about the case study Brief discussion about the case study Poor discussion Report Layout /3 Well-designed layout and proper formatting following the submission guidelines and containing all the sections Well-designed layout following the submission guidelines and containing all the sections Good layout following the submission guidelines and containing all the sections Report layout following the submission guidelines and missing some sections Report lacks a proper layout


1/23/2019 1:00:21 AM

Analyse critically /12 Exceptional discussion on security issues in Smart Grid networks. Identifying highly sophisticated and well referenced vulnerabilities Exceptional discussion on security issues in Smart Grid networks. Good Discussion on three security issues Discussion on Two security issues Unable to identify security issues Threat Mitigation Technique /10 A very clear and in-depth discussion about threat mitigation technique Very clear discussion about threat mitigation technique Generally good discussion threat mitigation technique Brief discussion about threat mitigation technique Poor discussion about threat mitigation technique with irrelevant information


1/23/2019 1:00:15 AM

Grade Mark HD 80% + D 70%-79% CR 60%-69% P 50%-59% Fail <50% Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction /5 Introduction is very well written and the report outline is also discussed Introduction is well written and the report outline is also discussed Introduction is generally presented along with the report outline Introduction is presented briefly and is missing the report outline Poor Introduction with irrelevant details Literature review /15 Excellent literature review with proper referencing Well written literature review presented with correct references Good literature review presented with references Brief literature review with proper referencing Poorly written literature review


1/23/2019 1:00:06 AM

Analyse Critically Analyse critically, three security issues in Smart Grid Networks. 12 Threat Mitigation Technique Discuss in detail a threat mitigation technique for one of the security threat 10 Case Study Analyse and discuss a case study related to recent attack on power systems with proper reference. 10 Report layout The report layout should be appropriate (following the submission guidelines and containing all the sections mentioned above) 3 Reference Style Follow IEEE reference style 5 Presentation Slides The presentation slides should be well organised and clear. 5 Oral Presentation Delivery of the presentation (quality of the presentation, depth of knowledge on the material presented and ability to answer questions asked by the audience) 5 Total 70


1/23/2019 12:59:58 AM

Marking criteria: Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Introduction of Smart Grid Networks. Introduction should also discusses the report outline. 5 Literature Review Literature review of Smart Grid Networks • Smart Grid network architecture (System Component and Network Components) • Recent developments in Smart Grid networks • The importance of cyber security in Smart Grid networks 15


1/23/2019 12:59:50 AM

Submission Guidelines • The assignment should be submitted on the Moodle in two separate files: o The report should be submitted as a Word file o The presentation should be submitted as a PPT file • Do not use Wikipedia as a source or a reference. • Make sure you properly reference any diagram/graphics used in the assignment.


1/23/2019 12:59:30 AM

Due Date 11:55PM, Wednesday Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

Write a Review

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