Discuss best method for resolving the issue

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Reference no: EM131523857

Fair-Minded Qualities

After reading this week's lectures on the qualities of a Fair-Minded Thinker, select one quality you feel you possess and describe how you embody this quality.

Next, select two qualities you feel you need to improve upon.

Wendy .Note: Please use integrity as the quality I possess and humility, empathy the ones that I need to improve.

Using the five step decision making process outlined below, create a plan of action to improve in those areas. Please be sure to outline the specific steps you'll take to overcome any obstacles you face.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person and should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Decision Making Process

  • Step One: As clearly as possible, define the decision you are faced with.
  • Step Two: Consider each possible choice you have for resolving the issue.
  • Step Three: Gather as much relevant information as time allows, and identify the pros and cons of each of the choices you have to solve your issue.
  • Step Four: Based on your list of pros and cons, choose the best method for resolving the issue.
  • Step Five: Construct a plan of action to implement your method (be sure to leave yourself enough flexibility to make adjustments as necessary).

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Reference no: EM131523857

Questions Cloud

Internal and external balance : An economy is in internal balance but have a Current Account deficit. Its IB schedule is steeper than the EB schedule.
What characteristics would such an organization have : Choose a decision that you currently face. What are your objectives in this situation? List your means objectives, and for each means objective list.
Discuss an important element of creativity : The point is often made that formal schooling can actually discourage young children from following their natural curiosity.
Evaluate external influences that affect consumer behavior : Analyze the concepts of consumer behavior, changes, and their effect on marketing.Evaluate external influences that affect consumer behavior.
Discuss best method for resolving the issue : Using the five step decision making process outlined below, create a plan of action to improve in those areas
Evaluation of your team members : Evaluation of your team members. If you believe that a team member has con­tributed fully, they should be evaluated at 100%.
Describe trends in the performance of p jason corporation : Describe trends in the performance of P. Jason Corporation. Identify each performance measure as favorable or unfavorable and explain the significance of each.
Flood-proofing of the building : You have been brought in as a consultant to determine whether flood-proofing of the building is economically justified.
Create list of alternatives for improving automotive safety : Use the means-objectives network in Figure to create a list of alternatives for improving automotive safety.


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