Discuss beneficial aspect of the strategic management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133202040 , Length: Word count: 1 Page

Question 1: What has been the most beneficial aspect of this Strategic Management course for you?

Having to prioritize the articles in order to get the assignment completed.

Question 2: In what ways could this course be modified to make it more effective?

Question 3: Which were the three articles that you considered most useful?

1. Tackling Design Anew: Getting Back to the Heart of Organizational Theory By R. Greenwood, Danny Miller

2. Competitive Organizational Behavior: Toward an Organizationally-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage By Jay Brian Barney

3. Trends and Directions in the Development of a Strategic Management Theory of the Family Firm By James Chrisman, Jess Chua and Pramodita Sharma

Reference no: EM133202040

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