Reference no: EM131669807
Qusetion: Concept Integration. You just received notice that a large shipment of manufacturing supplies you have been waiting for has been held up in customs for two weeks. A local business associate tells you that you are expected to give customs agents some "incentive money" to see that everything clears easily. How will you handle this situation? Evaluate the ethical merits of your decision by considering the approaches listed in Exhibit.
Exhibit: Approaches to Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
These approaches can help you resolve ethical dilemmas you may face on the job. Be aware that in some situations, different approaches can lead to different ethical conclusions.
Approach Summary
Justice Treat people equally or at least fairly in a way taht makes rational and moral sense
Utilitarianism Choose the option taht deliecers the most good gor the most people (or protects the most people from a
negative outcome)
Individual rights To the greatest possible extent, respect the rights of all individuals, particularly their right to control their
own destinies
Individual responsibilities Focus on the ethical duties of the individuals incolced in the situation
The common good Emphasize qualities and conditions that benefit the community as a whole, such as peace and public safety
Virtue Emphasize desirable character traits such as integrity and compassion