Discuss approaches to environmental protection

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Reference no: EM131725315 , Length: word count:4000


Critically discuss ONE topic from among the following:

1. ‘In the continually evolving EU regulatory landscape for environmental protection, voluntary environmental agreements have much to offer as a flexible, responsive and efficient alternative to ‘command-and-control' regulation.'

2. ‘The general principles of EU law, along with the guiding principles of EU environmental policy, play a key role in informing the adoption and implementation of innovative regulatory approaches to environmental protection.'

3. ‘The 2004 Environmental Liability Directive has proven to be a largely pointless exercise in EU legal harmonisation'.

4. ‘Though the precise legal character of the "human right to water" remains rather unclear, its associated discourse has significantly impacted water-related policy making at multiple levels of administration.'

Length: 4,000 words in length, excluding reasonable footnotes.

Reference no: EM131725315

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11/16/2017 1:02:36 AM

All students must include a declaration confirming the word count (excluding footnotes) on the cover sheet of the essay. Students must retain an electronic copy which must be made available to the lecturer on request to enable word counts to be verified. 3. Students must familiarise themselves with the University policy on plagiarism. All sources must be properly referenced and attributed; cases of plagiarism will result in appropriate sanctions being imposed. 4. Any feedback marks given for course / project work should be considered to be provisional only and are subject to adjustment and final ratification by the end of year examination boards.


11/16/2017 1:02:28 AM

Important notes: 1. In exceptional circumstances only (usually a serious medical condition around the time of submission) extensions to the submission date, of no more than seven days, may be sought in advance from the lecturer concerned. Extensions for longer periods are not normally granted. If an extension for a longer period is necessary, an Essay Extension Application Form and a Medical Evidence 2. Essays should have a minimum word count of 4,000 and a maximum word count of 4,500. This will be applied strictly. There is no allowance for a higher word limit. Each 300 words (or part thereof) over the word limit will result in a penalty of 5% of the total marks available for this essay. This maximum word count excludes reasonable footnotes and excludes the bibliography.

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