Reference no: EM131336992
As part of your Doctoral Seminar for this set of weeks, you are participating in a seminar-style discussion about the weekly topics.
Recall that you were asked to address 4 of the required resources and at least 3 additional resources from the Walden Library and to incorporate them into your posting.
As a related exercise, submit an annotated bibliography of the 7 resources you referred to this week. For each entry, be sure to address the following as a minimum:
• Include the full APA citation
• Discuss the scope of the resource
• Discuss the purpose and philosophical approach
• Discuss the underlying assumptions
• If referring to a research reporting article, present the methodology
• Relate the resource to the body of resources you have consulted in this course
• Discuss any evident limitations and opportunities for further inquiry
Required Resources
• Bergiel, B. J., Bergiel, E. B., & Balsmeier, P. W. (2008). Nature of virtual teams: A summary of their advantages and disadvantages. Management Research News, 31(2), 99-110. Retrieved fromABI Inform database.
This article examines the various advantages and disadvantages of virtual teams and offers suggestions to successfully manage teams in a global environment.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Used by permission.
• Gatlin-Watts, R., Carson, M., Horton, J., Maxwell, L., & Maltby, N. (2007). A guide to global virtual teaming. Team Performance Management, 13(1/2), 47-52. Retrieved from ABI Inform database.
In this article, a multicultural virtual teaming project is discussed and recommendations are provided to improve the virtual teaming process.
• Lu, M., Watson-Manheim, M. B., Chudoba, K. M., & Wynn, E. (2006). Virtuality and team performance: Understanding the impact of variety of practices. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 9(1), 4-23. Retrieved from ABI Inform database.
This study, conducted at Intel Corporation, uses quantitative and qualitative analysis to analyze how the performance of virtual teams is influenced by different aspects of virtuality.
• Staples, D. S. & Zhao, L. (2006). The effects of cultural diversity in virtual teams versus face-to-face teams. Group Decision and Negotiation, 15(4), 389-406. Retrieved from ABI/Inform database.
In this article, the effects of cultural diversity on team effectiveness is explored.
Optional Resources
• Colfax, R. S., Santos, A. T., & Diego, J. (2009). Virtual leadership: A green possibility in critical times but can it really work. Journal of International Business Research,2(8), 133-139. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
• Mancini, D. J. (2010). Building organizational trust in virtual teams. Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business,3, 1-5. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
• Siebdrat, F., Hoegl, M., & Ernst, H. (2009). How to manage virtual teams. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(4), 63-68. Retrieved from ABI Inform database.