Discuss and enhance cross-cultural communication

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Reference no: EM131688100

1. Rogers conducted workshops to enhance cross-cultural communication where people from all over the world participated. This therapy is popular in Japan. It is nonjudgmental and thus is considered a superb modality for multicultural/multiracial usage. The exception could occur when counseling an ethnic or racial group that demands structure and/or authority from a helper. Do individuals who view the therapist as an advice giver and as cultural?

2. Though Rogers did believe individuals react in relation to their experiences, he also believed that humans can impact positive change. Rogers has an optimistic view concerning the nature of men and women, believing that they have an inborn tendency toward self-actualization. So, he viewed man as positive when he develops in a warm, accepting, trusting environment, and his person-centered approach posits that an individual is good and moves toward growth and self-actualization. What are the three conditions Rogers felt must occur in the counseling relationship in order for client change to occur?

Reference no: EM131688100

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