Discuss an example of disruptive innovation

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Reference no: EM132359027

Human Resource Management for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assignment - Essay

Overview - Your task is to reflect on disruptive innovation and its potential implications for HR managers. Your essay will form two parts:

Part 1: Discuss an example of disruptive innovation.

Part 2: Provide a critical reflection on how HRM professionals should respond to disruptive innovations.

Learning outcomes -

  • Demonstrate a critical and reflective understanding of the importance and challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship in contemporary organisations.
  • Critically evaluate, integrate and apply theoretical frameworks to foster and facilitate entrepreneurship in real-world organisational contexts.
  • Utilise creative and innovative ability to enhance the entrepreneurial endeavours and organisational innovation through appropriate HR practices.
  • Present and generate ideas, concepts and arguments in a logical and coherent manner.

After completion of this assessment you should be able to:

  • Define the subject constructs and their various conceptual elements
  • Strategise for the potential impact and exploitation of disruptive innovation in the organisation.

Assessment details - Reflect on disruptive innovation and its potential implications for HR managers. Your essay should include two parts:

Part 1 - Identify and desscribe one unique example of disruptive innovation that occurred within the laste decade and discuss why it is characterised as such.

Requirements -

  • Use Christensen's theory of disruptive innovation to justify your choice.
  • You must not include Airbnb, Kodak, Blockbuster/Netflix or Uber as your example.

Part 2 - Reflect on how you think HRM professionals should respond to the potential threat from disruptive innovations originating from outside the organisation. Furthermore, speculate on the role they can play within the organisation with regard to disrupting the firm from within.

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The present solution is based on the concept of disruptive innovation. The total word count of this solution is more than 1500 words and is submitted in the Microsoft Word document file. The contents prepared are based on the given instructions and rubrics. All the contents present are unique and is free from any type of plagiarism. APA reference used for preparing this solution is cited in the end section.

Reference no: EM132359027

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Word limit: 1,500 (+/– 10%). Referencing guidelines- You must acknowledge all the sources of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriate style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing. Marks will be deducted for incomplete and incorrect referencing.


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Submission format - Upload as one single file via the Assignments submission page within Canvas. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes and unacceptable presentation of content, e.g. too much use of bullet points; using incomplete sentences; not meeting the general requirements for essays. Assessment criteria - The essay comprehensiv ely describes and explains an appropriate example of disruptive innovation very well. The essay demonstrates a professional level of understanding and a critical application of theory. The essay generates excellent recommendati ons in preparing the organisation for future disruptive innovations and is of a professional level.

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