Discuss an equity issue you noticed in the film

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Reference no: EM132138724

Film Paper:  The Last Conquistador" (2007)

General Directions: Create an essay with A, B, and C content below (use MLA). Print your essay and bring to class by the due date. (**Also UPLOAD your paper file to the Course Document assignment box.) No duplicate papers accepted. Do your own work! (Safe Assign used.)

Content Directions:

A. Discuss film examples of each: traditionalism, individualism and moralism AND explain how your examples fit each definition.

B. Discuss how you would have voted on the Houser project if you were an elected official on the El Paso City Council and the reason for your vote?

Classify your position (and vote) as one of the political subcultures: (individualism, moralism, traditionalism) and why your position fits the label.

Include 2 of the strongest arguments made by the various groups testifying before the El Paso City Council and how they factor into your hypothetical vote.

C. Give your thoughts about the film statement "making no attempt to see the other person's point of view; that's how evil comes about" (starts 49:26).

Explain how this statement relates to this film. 

Discuss an equity issue you noticed in the film.

Do some outside research about a similar equity issue and incorporate your findings into your view of the film.

Reference no: EM132138724

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