Discuss an episode of government intervention

Assignment Help Financial Management
Reference no: EM132196999 , Length: 1000 Words

This assignment consists of two parts. The first part requires students to write an essay to evaluate certain aspects of government intervention in the foreign exchange market. The second part requires students to submit reflective writing on the learning process in this subject. The detailed instructions are as follows.

Part 1: Evaluation of government intervention in the foreign exchange market

You shall discuss an episode of government intervention in the foreign exchange market and evaluate the intervention. Your essay should at least include the following:
• A brief introduction to the event and your essay.
• Summary of the event:
o Accurate description of the foreign exchange market situations that lead to government intervention.
o Identification of the methods and mechanisms of the intervention.
• Discuss the pros and cons of the intervention.
• Discuss the results of the intervention.
• Evaluate the intervention.

The material on government influence on exchange rate can be found in chapter 6 of the prescribed text book and section 6-3 and 6-4 of the book discuss the direct and indirect government intervention in the foreign exchange market. Please note that your evaluation must be supported with sufficient evidence in the form of credible references as well as statistics. You shall cite your references properly.

The word limit for this part is 1,000 words.

Part 2: Reflective writing

Reflecting on your learning journey in this subject, write a reflective essay on what learning method works and what does not? What are the learning skills you obtain in this course? How do you think this course would benefit your future?

The word limit for this part is 200 words.

Reference no: EM132196999

Questions Cloud

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Discuss an episode of government intervention : BFW2341 International Financial Management - Monash university - Evaluation of government intervention in the foreign exchange market
Write a client class to test all your methods : Write a class encapsulating the concept of a Student, assuming that a student has the following attributes: last name, first name, id, array of grades.
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An instance variable named amount of type double : A method named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double . The value of the amount instance variable is decreased by the value of the parameter .



12/18/2018 4:32:16 AM

Submission • Students shall combine the two parts of this assignment in one pdf file. • Students must submit their assignment to Turnitin to check for plagiarism. The acceptable similarity index is below 10%. Students will have 2 attempts to submit to Turnitin. • Submission will be done through Moodle only and consists of 1) the essay in pdf format and 2) the Turnitin report.

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