Discuss an antibiotic resistant bacteria

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133311286


Discuss an antibiotic resistant bacteria like the bacteria that cause TB and Staph, or the effectiveness of different disinfectants against coronavirus or methods used to treat waste water.

Reference no: EM133311286

Questions Cloud

Is the initial electron donor organic or inorganic : Is the initial electron donor (where the electrons are taken from) organic or inorganic? Is the final electron acceptor organic or inorganic?
Describe the first line defenses : What is meant by the terms "innate" and "adaptive" defenses? Briefly describe the "first line defenses" and how they are able to protect us from pathogens.
What is the first step in dna replication : Which enzyme catalyzes replication? What is the first step in DNA replication and what is the function of origin-binding proteins?
What is the significance of complementary base pairing : What is the significance of complementary base pairing? What is the difference between A-T and G-C base pairs?
Discuss an antibiotic resistant bacteria : Discuss an antibiotic resistant bacteria like the bacteria that cause TB and Staph, or the effectiveness of different disinfectants against coronavirus.
How did whitehead improve on snows test of this hypothesis : How did Whitehead improve on Snow's test of this hypothesis? What was the experimental test of their hypothesis?
What does the black and white speckled background represent : In the simulation, what does the black and white speckled background represent? After 1950 and beyond, the lichens begin to re-grow on the trees.
Describe the pathogen associated with the disease : Describe the pathogen associated with the disease, how the pathogen leads to disease, and how it enters the body.
Identify virulence factor with mycoplasma pneumoniae : Identify one virulence factor associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae that leads to the disease the microbe causes.


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