Discuss alternative treatments with a patient

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Reference no: EM131743955


The operation you get often depends on where you live. One patient underwent a mastectomy only to learn that a less destructive alternative procedure was available in a region near her home. The procedure, a lumpectomy, has the same survival rate as a mastectomy. The patient claims that the surgeon never informed her about the alternative.

Ethical and Legal Issues

1. Describe the ethical and legal issues involved in failing to discuss alternative treatments with a patient.

2. Should a physician describe every possible alternative treatment procedure with his or her patient? Explain your answer.

Reference no: EM131743955

Questions Cloud

How the physician violated professional duty to the patient : Four siblings, in Riser v. American Medican Int'l, Inc., 6 brought a medical malpractice action against Dr. Lang, a physician who performed a femoral.
Would the world be a better place without religion : Would the world be a better place without religion. It is essential that your refer to some of the reading we have discussed
How does the issue impact the business : Define the issue, include information on how it takes place, who are the usual perpetrators, where does it typically take place?
What is product life cycle : What is the product life cycle? Why is it important for marketers to know in which stage their product resides?
Discuss alternative treatments with a patient : The operation you get often depends on where you live. One patient underwent a mastectomy only to learn that a less destructive alternative procedure.
Discuss illegal-unethical and socially responsible business : Identify a recent incident (within last six months) and discuss illegal, unethical, and socially responsible business actions in the current news.
Discuss what did you find interesting about it : How does this affect the current world, What did you find interesting about it, Do you think it is important
Determine the performance of blood transfusions : The court in In re Estate of Dorone granted temporary guardianship. In this case, the physician and administrator petitioned the court on two occasions.
Sworn to enforce the law and uphold the constitution : As a police officer, you are sworn to enforce the law and uphold the constitution.


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