Reference no: EM132787523
Question 1: West African Roots
What were characteristics of West African civilizations?
How did they contribute to African American culture
Question 2: pre revolutionary slavery
Why was North American slavery different than other regions
Be able to compare/contrast the Chesapeake region with the Low Country
Discuss agriculture and economy
Question 3: american revolution
How did slaves try to earn their freedom during the Revolution?
Need three ways
Question 4: the language of the revolution
Why did slavery continue to exist during and after the Revolution?
Consider the arguments made in the slave petitions
Consider the reality of the economics of slavery
Look at the hypocrisy of some of the founding fathers
Question 5: african american culture
Here you will focus on the role of music
Religion is closely intertwined with music and culture, so you should include that as well
Also include a discussion of the various purposes of music in the lives of slaves.