Discuss advertisement concepts regarding the article

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131550731

Need a powerpoint presentation for an article.

Powerpoint must be able to to be presented in 15 minutes.

Must Include Speaker Notes

Presentation needs to start off with briefly summarizing the article in the power point

No Outside Sources Needed

Discuss advertisement concepts regarding the article that are reflected by real-world examples found in business/advertising/PR publications, printed or online.

In a slide in the speaker notes need to explain the connection to why this article was chosen for my advertising, public relations and society class.

The majority of the presentation must explain in the speaker notes an analysis of the article which needs to also be explained as well with advertisement concepts.

Include 2 iWatch advertisement commercials off of youtube and put the links in the power point presentation. (Make sure they are sourced at the end).

Also Include the 4 P's of marketing to analyze the article as well.

Reference no: EM131550731

Questions Cloud

Locate an empirical research article : Locate an empirical research article that is either a quantitative or qualitative study from a peer reviewed social work journal for the final assignment.
Which can be in any of the given categories : find at least one thing or a collection of things that someone else has created as an artifact of your fandom which can be in any of the categories.
Find the probability of an out of-control signal : From these values, what conclusions can you make about stability of the process being monitored? Make the appropriate control chart.
Discuss the history of helping behavior and human services : Discuss the history of helping behavior and human services in western culture. What factors have influenced our ability and willingness to help society members?
Discuss advertisement concepts regarding the article : Discuss advertisement concepts regarding the article that are reflected by real-world examples found in business/advertising/PR publications, printed or online
Write a response paper about the vegan culture : A social worker would need to know this in the event that they come to my home to provide social services and they are wearing a type of animal skin .
Discuss the new pi control algorithm : Refer to the Paper Dry Weight case of. Yet another control algorithm was considered. ?1 from was halved and the coefficient ?2 was left at 1.66.
What does it take to effectively use all media now : What does it take to effectively use all media now, whether separately on just as part of being connected?
What were flotation costs as a fraction of funds raised : The firm incurred $500,000 in legal, administrative, and other costs. What were flotation costs as a fraction of funds raised?


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