Discuss advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131306952

proper spelling and grammar will be gradedDiscussion Questions

1. Think of examples in the media that poke fun at the communications skills of technical pro-fessionals, such as Dilbert® or xkcd.com cartoons. How does this satire influence the indus-try and educational programs?

2. What courses in your educational program address the development of communications skills? What skills do you think employers are looking for? Do you think there should be more emphasis on communications skills in your degree program?

3. Discuss the importance of understanding tone of voice and body language in comprehend-ing the meaning of what people say. Give examples of how the same words said in different ways have totally different meanings.

4. What items should a communications management plan address? How can a stakeholder analysis assist in preparing and implementing parts of this plan?

5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of distributing project information.

6. What are some of the ways to create and distribute project performance information?

7 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting.

8. Explain why you agree or disagree with some of the suggestions in this chapter for improve...ie ing project communications, such as creating a communications management plan, slain holder analysis, or performance reports. What other suggestions do you have? ions?

9. How can software assist in project communications? How can it hurt project cornrnui.n

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the risk utility function and risk preference chart in Figure 11-2. Would you rate your-self as being risk-averse, risk-neutral, or risk-seeking? Give examples of each approach from different aspects of your life, such as your current job, your personal finances, romances. and eating habits.

2. What are some questions that should be addressed in a risk management plan?

3. Discuss the common sources of risk on IT projects and suggestions for managing them. Which suggestions do you find most useful? Which do you feel would not work in your organization? Why?

4. What is the difference between using brainstorming and the Delphi technique for risk identi-fication? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Describe the contents of a risk register and how it is used in several risk management processes.

5. Describe how to use a probability/impact matrix and the Top Ten Risk Item Tracking approaches for performing qualitative risk analysis. How could you use each technique on a project?

6. Explain how to use decision trees and Monte Carlo analysis for quantifying risk. Give an example of how you could use each technique on an IT project.

7. Provide realistic examples of each of the risk response strategies for both negative and positive risks.

8. List the tools and techniques for performing risk control.

9. How can you use Excel to assist in project risk management? What other software can help project teams make better risk management decisions?

Using proper memo formatting, write at least one paragraph per discussion question answering the question and applying the information from the chapters. In your four paragraphs, please mention:

why you chose that particular question and what impact it has on project management

Be sure to use section headers and provide examples (ie. charts, graphics, etc) where necessary.

To receive full credit:

your answers must be your own (limited quotations from the textbook)

include references to support EACH of your answers (please include at least one outside resource).

each response should be AT LEAST a paragraph long (5 sentence minimum)

attach a works cited page using APA formatting

Reference no: EM131306952

Questions Cloud

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Can the column support the critical load without yielding : Specifically, each flange is 8.02 in wide and 0.62 in thick; the web is 0.35 in wide; and the total height of the cross section is 10.10 in.)
Whether the government should mandate public health policies : Explain whether the government should mandate public health policies and why. Justify post with at least one past or current public health issue.
Which will increase the critical buckling load : Two options for the resulting cross section are shown. Which will increase the critical buckling load? Will it have a large or small effect? Explain why.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting : Discuss the importance of understanding tone of voice and body language in comprehend-ing the meaning of what people say. Give examples of how the same words said in different ways have totally different meanings. Discuss the advantages and disadva..
Compute expected rate of return on market portfolio given : Find the Expected Rate of Return on the Market Portfolio given that the Expected Rate of Return on Asset "i" is 12%, the Risk-Free Rate is 4%, and the Beta (b) for Asset "i" is 1.2.
Construct a multi tiered approach for compensation : What types of criteria would you consider when determining how to compensate each position? Describe two (2) considerations for each position.
Explain what is weighted average cost of capital for coogly : Given the component costs identified above and the capital structure for the firm, what is the weighted average cost of capital for Coogly? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this method in the capital budgeting process?
Find the maximum normal stress : A steel bar with the cross section shown and effective length L = 2.5 m is subjected to a compressive load P = 200 kN with a eccentricity e = 0.00625 m.


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