Discuss accounting irregularities

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13121075

A number of corporate failures took place in Australia and United states between 2000 and 2002 causing major credibility crisis in the accounting and auditing profession. Discuss briefly the accounting irregularities found in ENRON and HIH's corporate collapse. Also discuss, the role auditors played and how they could have helped to avoid these collapses.

In your response consider, Ethics, Integrity, Independence, risk, Sampling, planning on behalf of auditors.

Task Details: Groups are to gather and analyse the information about the collapses of ENRON and HIH, and discuss accounting irregularities. They should then present their analysis and solutions in a professionally formatted s report subdivided into 2 sections of ENRON and HIH respectively.

Research requirements: groups should support their analysis and solutions / recommendations.

Reference no: EM13121075

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