Reference no: EM131283559
my topic is why is better voting in US than China.
Source Requirement: For this speech you are required to use at least five (5) credible. If you fail to use the appropriate number of acceptable sources you may be penalized twenty (20) points on your speech grade. Additionally, using websites such as Wikipedia,, AskJeeves, or other such online encyclopedias will result in an automatic zero (0) for the speech grade. Finally, although encouraged, interviews, personal correspondence, atlases, dictionaries and encyclopedias do not count toward your total number of sources-though they must be listed in the bibliography and properly cited within the outline.
Topic: In this presentation you will present your position on an issue related to a question about campaign/election reform to the class, and advocate for your perspective. You must make a coherent logical argument for why your position should be adopted by the class.
Persuasive Speech Reminders:
Submit full-sentence preparation outline with works cited list and first pages of all sources (all as one document) to Isadore by the beginning of class on the day you present. Late outlines will result in a automatic point deduction from your overall grade. Failure to submit to Isadore will mean an automatic zero for your grade until you submit.
Works cited list should be in MLA format. Use the sample in your Resources folder as an example.
Use sources in three places: 1) Works cited list, 2) In notes, and 3) Out loud during presentation.
5 sources are required, more is encouraged. At least 2 of your sources should be really strong, credible, primary sources.
Don't forget to use a visual aid. It is required for this presentation.
Check the persuasive presentation assignment description below for any other details.