Discuss about usability testing

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132919077

ITAP2008 Software Testing - Victorian Institute of Technology

Question 1
A sports insurance organization that has the following premium insurance rates based on the age group.The company has base premium of $ 0.40 for all ages. Based on the age group, an additional monthly insurance premium must pay that is as listed in the table below. For example, a person aged 24 must pay a premium=$ 0.40 +$1.25=$1.65.

Age Group

Additional Premium

Under 25

$ 1.25


$ 2.45


$ 5.00

List all the possible equivalence partitions based on the age by applying equivalence portioning technique.

Question 2
Regression testing is always performed following integration testing and before user testing and deployment. Identify and discuss who is responsible to perform regression testing.

Question 3
One of the categories of system testing is to take user opinions to find usability problems.
Discuss about usability testing.Identify the factors the developer must considerderiving testing.

Question 4
Compare and Contrast between testing mobile applications and desktop application with appropriate examples.

Question 5
The goal of the test automation is to reduce the number of test cases to berun manually and not to eliminate manual testing alltogether. Provide argument using the test cases to be automated with example.

Question 6

Evaluate the test coverage percentage if the test case scenario includes a = 3, b = 9 based on the code provided below.
Prints (int a, int b) {
int result = a+ b;
If (result> 0)
Print ("Positive", result)
Print ("Negative", result)

Reference no: EM132919077

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Discuss about usability testing : Discuss about usability testing.Identify the factors the developer must consider deriving testing and Compare and Contrast between testing mobile applications
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