Reference no: EM132139289
Your essay should be a properly constructed academic essay of 5,000 words. It should contain an effective introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should introduce the essay and include your argument. The body should present the evidence you have collected to support your argument, and the conclusion should restate your argument, summarise the evidence and make a conclusion regarding your argument.
Complex projects should be BP deep water horizon, Queensland health payroll system
1. Introduction and summary of findings/learnings (500 words)
In this modern era, there are many projects all over the world. Some of them are large while some of them are small and easy to tackle; some of them are resulted in success while some of them are not even able to earn profit. There is one factor which is present in each and every project. That is complexity. In every project, complexity is there in some extent. Having less complexity in project are easy to manage. But this essay will discuss about those projects which contain high level of complexity. Due to high level of complexity, those projects are even called as complex projects in which there are large amount of investment, high number of employees and high expectations from customers. For those projects, management of complexity is most important part because one small mistake can cause loss of lives of many people and loss of huge money investment.
In body of this essay, properties, causes and unique environments of complex projects with appropriate evidence will be discussed. Then after, essay will discuss about tools and techniques to manage those complex projects. After discussing tools and techniques, essay will focus on different theories and ideas about complex projects. After those theories, whole body of the essay will be covered in overall discussion. At last, essay will be concluded with particular statements to support my arguments and evidences.
2. Body: -
a. The causes, environments, and properties of complex projects (1,000 words)
i. Introduction and summary: Some examples of complex projects are BP deep water horizon, channel tunnel in which complex project management is necessary.
ii. Evidence and examples
iii. Conclusion
b. The tools and techniques to aid a project manager manage complex projects (1,000 words)
i. Introduction and summary
ii. Evidence
iii. Conclusion
c. The degree and nature of the projects cases discussed in the unit in the context of the theories and ideas related to complex projects (1,000 words)
i. Introduction and summary
ii. Evidence
iii. Conclusion
3. Overall Discussion (1,000 words)
4. Conclusion (500 words)
5. References
6. Appendix if necessary.