Discuss about the violation of norms

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Reference no: EM131909056

Please fill in the blank with the best key word from either class material or the textbook.

1. arethe objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a given society to achieve, according to strain theory.

2. are the approved ways of achieving theselegitimate objectives, under strain theory, for members of a given society.

3. The violation of norms,which are the rules and expectations of society,is known as , and ranges from a more to a less serious violation.

4. An expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction like a frown to a severe, formal reaction like a prison sentence, is known as a .

5. A is a reward or sign of approval from someone else for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material reward.

6. theory stresses that not everyone has the available opportunities to achieve socially desirable objectives in life, and some turn to more deviant ways of accomplishing them.

7. theory states that people socialize with numerous groups and can often learn deviant behavior when they have more bad examples and role models to follow than good ones.

8. theory argues that the negative words we associate with certain people can have serious consequences and propel people toward deviance rather than diverting them from it.

9. theory stresses that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the powerful and privileged, discriminately oppressing the poor and working class, as well as racial and ethnic minorities.

10. theory stresses that not all social control is accomplished through sanctions, but we also internalize norms and follow them freely, even when no one is around.

11. The argument that deviance can benefit society by clarifying moral boundaries, affirming social norms, encouraging unity, and promoting social change comes from the theoretical perspective of .

12. A group's explicit and tacitmeans of enforcing its norms and preventing deviance is known as .

13. isa group's usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives.

14. The percentage of released convicts who are rearrested at some point in the future is known asthe .

15. The system ofpolice, courts, prisons, and the law that is set up to deal withpeople who are accusedof committing acrime is known as the .

16. is the system of private prisons and the prison services industry that profits from, and in turn lobbies for the expansionof, mass incarceration.

17. A member of organized crime provides an example of , one of four deviant paths from strain theory.

18. A teacher that continues to follow state- or school-approved lesson plans but no longer has any enthusiasm for education provides an example of , one of four deviant paths from strain theory.

19. The revolutionaries who participated in the American Revolution during the late 1700s provide an example of , one of four deviant paths from strain theory.

20. Men and women who join a monastery or convent provide an example of , one of four deviant paths from strain theory.

21. Written response:Discuss some of the social conditions seen in the documentary Crips and Bloods: Made in Americathat we watched in class. How do these social conditions lead to a cycle of violence and poverty for these poor, African American neighborhoods in Los Angeles? If you need help, think about the ideas of socialization,differential association theory, labeling theory, conflict theory, and racism.

Reference no: EM131909056

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