Discuss about the tropicana branding strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697760

Article : Tropicana - Social Media Teach Marketers A Branding Lesson By Colleen P.Kirk,Karen A.Berger.

From the Article take a position on whether Tropicana did or did not make a major mistake in changing it product packaging.

Suggest two (2) steps that you believe Tropicana should take in its branding strategy in order to counteract the initial negative response to the new product packaging. Provide a rationale for your response.

Prioritize the attributes of the scenario according to the attributes that you believe would be most important to the new tablets target market. Provide support for your response.

Reference no: EM131697760

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about the tropicana branding strategy : From the Article take a position on whether Tropicana did or did not make a major mistake in changing it product packaging.
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