Reference no: EM131292801
Policy Assignment
You will be responsible for creating a Power Point Slideshow that focuses on a social problem that deals also with a local, state, or federal policy. Once you identify this social deviance related problem and the corresponding policy that goes with it, your group will use the slideshow to break down the issue by discussing the background and statistical nature of the problem, which social theory applies best to the issue, the results or possible results of such policy, and information on how that policy controls how the problem itself plays out. Finally I want you all to write up a slide or a couple of slides where you rewrite the policy in a way where you think your version of the policy will make the social problem go away or at least shrink. Use lots of pictures and illustrations and try to make your presentation fun and interesting as if you are really going to present even though we will not.
Be sure your slides make sense and are balanced without you overloading any single slide with too much information.
Presentation guidelines are as follows (Students may use any combination of the following):
Each group members name on the first title slide
Embedded or linked Video/Film Usage: 5 Minutes Maximum (Attached to Submission or Embedded in PowerPoint)
Group Discussion Write Up Within Sideshow
Other (See Me to Discuss and Get Permission)
The package you turn in must include theory and a current event also.
You can create a survey and record the results in charts or graphs (the electronic program is perfect for this.
Students have the additional option of choosing a presentation that fits within one of the three following guidelines:
Option A: Student will use and enhance subject material from the book and apply the material to
a current event of historical/theoretical framework.
Option B: Students can choose the case study option that allows them to present a case and use our sociological knowledge to explain that case along with its effects, causes, ramifications, and possible solutions.
Option C: Students can participate in a community service learning initiative that reflects a social issue, either chosen by them or assigned by me, and report to the class any findings, their experiences, and information that relates the experience to the material that we cover in class.
Completion of this section will allow students to display and practice their presentation and organization skills, in addition to them probing deeper into the complexities of sociological issues/problems of their choosing.
Possible Topics: Guns in public spaces to make us more or less safe, legalizing marijuana, abortion, welfare system, healthcare system, media influence, text and internet addiction, bullying, gay marriage, green energy, video game addiction, student loans and overpriced tuition, jobs and unemployment, anything you see in the news.
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