Discuss about the short-term drivers and long-term needs

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132011838

Question: With constantly shifting markets, new drivers arrive almost spontaneously. New competitive, cultural, economic, political, regulatory, social, and technological factors are continuously impacting an organization. These are invariably exciting and interesting because they present both real challenges and potential opportunities. In response, there is often a temptation for the organization's leadership to be reactive. One mark of effective strategic and operating leadership is the ability to rapidly and opportunistically respond to market shifts. Done to excess, or at all costs, however, this can lead to strategic wobbles back and forth, with major and potentially fatal loss of ground caused by inappropriately reacting to short-term shifts.

For this Discussion, review this week's Learning Resources. Consider the difference between reacting to market shifts and following an integrated Annual Human Resources Operating Plan. In addition, think about how metrics and milestones might help balance short-term drivers and long-term objectives.

Post by Day 3 an analysis of the value of an integrated Annual Human Resources Operating Plan in the face of constantly shifting markets. Explain how such a plan might provide balance between short-term drivers and long-term needs. Describe the circumstances appropriate to deviating from such a plan or justifying a different path than that planned. Discuss specific techniques, including metrics and milestones that the Human Resources Department/Division can use to add rigor in achieving this balance while attaining long-term business objectives for the overarching needs of the organization.

Respond by Day 5 to two or more of your colleagues' postings by describing alternative metrics and milestones for balancing short-term drivers and long-term objectives.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of your colleagues' comments.

Article: 1. What Would You Do? does the strategic plan require updating because of healthcare reform? (By Zuckerman, Alan M)

2. Creating Metrics for Senior Management (By Robb, Drew)

Reference no: EM132011838

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