Reference no: EM131323273 , Length: 6
Assignment : Business Environment and Marketing Research
Using the Waters Bottling Company in Module 1, continue to build the Marketing Plan Sections for the product you have selected/ invented/ created. Complete the following in MS Word: Be concise but complete in your analysis of each plan element. Your employer wants to know you have left nothing out in your analysis.
This assignment represents Section 2 of the Marketing Plan. Use the Marketing Plan guide to identify the sections of the Marketing Plan and the marketing elements contained therein. This assignment will focus on Section 2 - Marketing Research & Target marketing (Module 2).
Section 2 - Market Research & Targeting (Module 2)
Market Research
Research Methods & Data Mining
Market Research Process
Consumer Behavior
B2C vs. B2B
Consumer Decision Making Process
Factors Affecting B2C and B2B consumer behavior
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation Concepts
Segmentation Process
Segmentation Strategies
Target Marketing
Relate all responses using the WBC scenario and the product you have selected to market in Module 1.
Create a 4- to 6-page Word document for your Marketing Plan sections. Apply a standard business writing style using the Market Planning Guide sections as your (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work. Be sure to cite your work in the APA format.
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