Reference no: EM131385873 , Length: word count:700
Prior to beginning this journal entry, review the "Cognition: Overview and Recent Trends" (pp. 3-8), "Neuroscience Bases of Learning" (pp. 9-15), and "Learning in a Cross-Cultural Perspective" (pp. 16-22) articles in your text, and read the American Educational Research Association's Code of Ethics.
It is important for you to have already completed your initial post in the "Learning and Cognition Perspectives" discussion before you compose this journal entry. Each week's journal entry will include four parts. Each part does not need to be lengthy, but should demonstrate your understanding of the course content addressed within the week.
Part 1: Learning acquisition and development is a key area in the study of learning and cognition. Each week, you will include vocabulary from your readings in your journal that was unfamiliar to you or might be unfamiliar to your peers. Identify three to five words from this week's content and research each word in the context of learning and cognition. Explain, in your own words, what each word means and how it is used in the context of learning and cognition.
Part 2: Based on this week's discourse and content, access the Ashford University Library and research one peer-reviewed article pertaining to social processing that was published within the last 10 years. Provide a summary explanation of the findings on social processing in the context of your article. What implications should scholars consider based on this information? Support your explanation utilizing your course sources and your researched article.
Part 3: Consider the events from the past week of your life. Did you or someone you know experience anything that supports your conclusions about the effects of emotions and social learning on behaviors? Describe one personal real-life example of an occurrence that supports the implications of social learning on our behaviors and beliefs. As you share this information, consider and apply the professional standards found in "12.06 Anonymity of Sources"found in the AERA Code of Ethics.
Part 4: Based on the AERA Code of Ethics, if you have described an event that occurred with a friend or a colleague, what do your resources suggest may possibly affect how you personally interpret the event? What is the possibility for bias on your part, and how can it be avoided (or should it be)? In what ways can you address your personal biases when explaining observations to be ethical in reporting of the information? How important is this process to the maintenance of professional standards?
Each journal entry should be 400 to 700 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content, apply appropriate methods of ethical practices, and exhibit appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the week's content.
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