Discuss about the post given below

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131385367 , Length: word count:1400

Job Search :Purpose: To understand how to start the job search process.

My major is (Advertising Design) so everything should be about my major.

Must be in Houston, Texas, USA

1. The names of five companies, what they do, their website, and why you would want to work for them (list each company seperately) . Add a screen shot of each company application of employment.

2. Evidence (print out) that you have knowledge of or interest in at least three job search engines or job banks-at least one of them from a local (Houston) area. Print out one job lead you are interested in for your major PER search engine. (You should have 3 total leads from 3 different search engines.)

3. List ten people (5 professional/ 5 personal) that might be able to assist you in your job search, contact information, your relationship to them, and why and how you think they would be able to help you.

4. A typed plan of action - a one-page essay on what you will do immediately to make yourself more marketable for the type of job you want to obtain.

Reference no: EM131385367

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