Discuss about the possible structure of the relations

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131751334

Relational Database Systems

Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to give the student exposure in understanding, designing, building and analyzing database systems for a given real-time based scenario and be able to conduct optimal strategies for efficient management of databases.

Intended Learning Outcomes covered:

1. Design the logical structure of a database using Entity-Relationship diagram.
2. Apply normalization techniques to reduce redundancy in a database.

Task 1:

Complete the work proposal in Microsoft Word file format (may include possible answers based on your initial understanding). Work proposal for the assignment must be submitted before the end of week 7 and must include:

a) Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.
b) General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task 2 which includes, the name of entities, associative entities and relationships. Initial understanding of solution to task 3.
c) Timeline for completion of task 2 and task 3.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task 2:
Fun Studio provides exciting games, exciting rides for children in Oman. It offers several games to entertain its customers. Each game has an ID, name, duration. Once a customer visits the center, the Customer Relation Officer will record the details of the customer such as name, contact number, address and residence ID number, which is unique to every customer. Customer can choose any number of games or he may not choose any game, a game can be chosen by at least one customer. Whenever a customer chooses a game, the date and score will be recorded to calculate the credits of the customer. The recreation center offers different royalty programs such as diamond, platinum, gold, and silver to all its customers. Each program has program code, name, term and price. A customer can buy any number of royalty programs, or may not buy one. A royalty program will be bought by at least one customer; otherwise the center cancels the program. When a customer buys a program, the center wishes to record the date to maintain the term of the program.

a) Construct the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the above given scenario. Identify all the entities, associative entities, attributes of each entity including primary key, relationship between the entities and cardinality constraints. State any assumptions necessary to support your design.

b) Analyze the above given scenario and discuss about the possible structure of the relations (the number and name of the columns) and the referential integrity constraints to be implemented in the above design.

Task 3:

a) Normalize the below given Attendance Summary Report to First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third Normal Form. Make assumptions for the identification of the primary key wherever necessary.

b) Discuss how the data consistency can be maintained during normalization for each normal forms. Support your answer with reference to the above Question.

Task 4

Be ready to demonstrate your knowledge with the different concepts used in preparing the assignment. Schedule for the demonstration will be announced in the class and on Moodle/MEC mail. Marks for task 2 and task 3 will depend on the satisfactory pass for the demonstration in task 4.

Verified Expert

The task of the assignment is to provide the work proposal for the work to be done by the student on the database management system. The assignment is provided with 4 tasks the first task to write how to perform the task 2 and task 3. After analyzing the business case of Task 2, the following entities, attributes and relationship between the entities is identified. The task3 tables is analysed and the database is converted into 3NF and the consistency of the table is analysed.

Reference no: EM131751334

Questions Cloud

Review the talent management topics covered : Review the talent management topics covered so far in this course. Prioritize five topics and locate one potential resource for each using the Strayer Library.
Define proportion of rent-controlled apartments : Public Policy and Political Science A local planning board must consider whether to require all new projects with five or more apartments to designate.
Write an executive summaries on lean six sigma : In this assignment, you will write two executive summaries: one on Lean Six Sigma, and one on either Total Quality Management or Continuous Quality Management.
Proportion of americans who disapprove the job : Public Policy and Political Science Early in 2013, a political report indicated that 86% of Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing.
Discuss about the possible structure of the relations : COMP 1005 - Design the logical structure of a database using Entity-Relationship diagram and Apply normalization techniques to reduce redundancy in a database
Compute the speed of communication : Technology and the Internet Technology is constantly improving, increasing the speed of communication, and many software programs on tablets, laptops.
Calculate the gross profit percentage and inventory turnover : Calculate the Gross profit percentage and Inventory turnover, Operating-cash-flow-to-capital-expenditures ratio and Times-interest-earned ratio
Proportion of students participating in the programs : Education and Child Development College studyabroad programs have great educational value, compel students to become more globally aware.
Discuss three key international events that may affect : Within the ensuing years from 2008 forward, discuss three key international events that may affect the leadership of talent management strategies.



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1/11/2018 5:25:51 AM

please use redeemed points for this task. Please provide references and table of contents. The similarity level should not be more than 10%, and I need the Turnitin report to be provided along with the solution.


12/5/2017 6:41:33 AM

Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-13 14-26 27-30 Task 3 (a) Normalisati on Incomplete/ Weak/ Plagia rized Report Wrongly normalised relation. Mark may be Partially normalised tables with detailed explanation on normalization Completely normalised all the relations with proper explanation. assigned for creating base table. Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-7 8-12 13-15 Task 3 (b) Normalisati Incomplete/ Incorrectly Partially discussed measures to Properly on Write up Weak/Plagia discussed maintain data consistency. discussed rized Report measures to measures to maintain data maintain data consistency.


12/5/2017 6:41:26 AM

Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-9 10-12 13-15 Task 2 (b) ER Diagram Incomplete/ The design of The design of the table is given Properly Weak/Plagia the relations is correctly / referential integrity recommended rized Report partially constraint: relevant primary the design and correct / the keys and at least two foreign referential referential keys are not discussed. integrity constraints: at constraints: least two relevant primary foreign keys keys and at least and relevant two foreign keys primary keys are included. are not included.


12/5/2017 6:41:14 AM

Assignment Evaluation Grid Deliverables Aspects Mark Range: 0-10 Mark Task 1 Proposal Submission • General overview of initial understanding of solutions to all the tasks. • Timeline • Include a list of suitable literature to complete the assignment using a Harvard Style Notation. Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-13 14-26 27-30 Mark Task 2 (a) ER Diagram Incomplete/ Weak/Plagia rized Report Information is incomplete. Identification of different entities, associative entities, attributes, Primary keys, Foreign Keys and the relationship between the entities are partial. Information is satisfactory. Complete and accurate in all aspects


12/5/2017 6:41:05 AM

This assessment shall assess the following learning outcomes: Learning Outcomes Skills Acquired Design the logical structure of a database using Entity-Relationship diagram. Critical Thinking, Analytical, Comparing, Contrasting, Decision-making, Data Modeling, Researching, Making judgment about complex issues, Communicate conclusions effectively. Apply normalization techniques to reduce redundancy in a database. Critical Thinking, Analytical, Cognitive, Problem Solving, Evaluating Evidence, Making judgment about complex issues, Researching, Demonstrate Creativity, Communicate conclusions effectively.


12/5/2017 6:40:51 AM

Feedback: Detail feedback will be provided as follows: Submission Week Channel Assignment work proposal: Detail feedback on the assignment work proposal will be provided. This feedback will help you to understand and reflect on your initial understanding of assignment tasks. 8th week of Fall MEC Moodle Final Assignment Submission: Detail feedback on the assignment document will be provided. This feedback will help you to reflect on your work. Last week of Fall MEC Moodle


12/5/2017 6:40:44 AM

? It should have Table of Contents ? Use page numbers ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline ? Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic. ? Copy paste from the Internet or other student work is strictly not acceptable. ? References should be included in the last page as follows ? Author name, Book Title, Publisher, Year in case of books ? In case of web site references type the full path of the web page with referenced date ? In case of journals/magazines/periodicals type article name, magazine name, Issue Number and date


12/5/2017 6:40:38 AM

Note: Task 4 is compulsory. No marks will be awarded to tasks 2 & 3 if demonstration is not given by a student. Guidelines Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment. ? Submit a work proposal detailing aspects such as initial understanding of the given tasks, timelines to complete each task, literature sources for solving the tasks. ? Assignment should be typed and uploaded to Moodle and will undergo plagiarism detection test through Turnitin (a plagiarism detection tool) ? ? Handwritten assignments will not be accepted. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Class ? Student name ? Student ID

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