Discuss about the political marketer and political strategy

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Reference no: EM131398916 , Length: 2


Political marketer Frank Luntz, in the Persuaders, tells his clients: "80% of our life is emotion and only 20% is intellect. I'm much more interested in how you feel than how you think." Contrast this with Thomas Jefferson's notion that democracy requires an "informed citizenry." What's the potential impact, if any, on Luntz's political strategy recommendations on the health democracy?

You will outside sources to properly answer this question. Please research your answer before you offer it. Cite your sources. This should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length. (Double-spaced, Word, Times New Roman). No running head, cover pages. This can be written in third person. This is an opinion essay.

Reference no: EM131398916

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