Discuss about the pervasive network technology

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132083357

Network Technology

An electronic network connects related systems using links such as cables or radio waves.

Networks, such as wireless WAN and LAN, are essential to mobile and pervasive computing because they provide access to information from practically anywhere.

Harnessed for both business and personal use, network technologies are constantly changing and improving as developers strive to make communication more effective and efficient.

The urge to improve wireless communication does not mean it is more important than wired technology.

For this Discussion, choose one wireless or pervasive network technology from section 11.4 or 11.6 of the course text. In 2-3 paragraphs, describe this technology in some detail.

Explain its potential applications beyond the ones outlined in section 2.3 of the course text. Cite at least two supporting sources other than the textbook.

Book:Ubiquitous Computing : Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions2009 Edition. 978-0-470-03560-3

Reference no: EM132083357

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