Reference no: EM131562925
Essay topic is the : Opium production and consumption in Canada
you need to use Chicago style to write this peper about 600-900 words
for a primary source you could look at
Report by W. L. Mackenzie King, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Labour, on the need for the suppression of the opium traffic in Canada.
Another option would be to look at articles on opium in the British Colonist, for example from 1905 to 1910.
There should be plenty of articles and books dealing with the history of opium in BC
Primary Source Analysis
•What kind of document is this, where and when was it written?
•Who was the author? Provide a brief introduction.
•Summarize the contents: what does the source tell you about the topic?
•Why do you think the author wrote this text?
•In what ways does the document present a particular point of view or bias? Does it include certain information while potentially omitting other information? For example, does the position of the author ("race," class or gender) or the purpose for which the text was produced, affect the way the document was written?
•What did you find particularly interesting about this source? Did anything surprise you? Was anything unclear?
•What questions did this document raise for you? These questions may help guide your research paper.
anaylize and answer those question, dont need too academic word just easy to understand is great
PS.Here is a summary of the footnote information from class today:
When to use footnotes:
• Quoting (author's words must be in quotes)
• Using another author's ideas or findings
• Quotes longer than 2 lines are single-spaced and indented on both sides
• Use quotes sparingly (especially for secondary sources) - better to summarize and explain in your own words
Footnotes are not necessary for own analysis, common knowledge, intro/conclusion
Recommended: 3-5 footnotes per page
Sample footnotes for primary sources:
• Edmund Hope Verney to his father, 1 March 1864, in Pritchard, Allan, ed. Vancouver Island Letters of Edmund Hope Verney, 1862-65 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1996), 193.
• Roderick Finlayson, Fort Victoria Journal, 3 September 1846;
• "Dairymen's Opinions," Victoria Daily Colonist, 12 February 1896, 6.
• Despatch to London, Douglas to Labouchere, 8657, CO 305/8, p. 108; received 18 September, No. 22, Victoria Vancouver's Island, 15th July 1857, Colonial Despatches.