Discuss about the marketing message strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131456906 , Length: 3

Write three pages marketing message strategy about this project!!!

It should include three parts:

Key consumer and brand relationship insights

Message direction, design and execution

Strategic consistency

Product: CVS Pharmacy Generic Adrenaclick - Impax Laboratories (IPXL)

Please watched and read the following links, then write three pages message strategy about the product!!

Useful Links:

VIDEO ABOUT IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzKWOddEcRQ

• Whats an EPIPEN: https://www.epipen.com/about-epipen/what-is-epinephrine

• https://www.cvs.com/content/epipen-alternative

• https://mentalfloss.com/article/90900/cvs-now-sells-epipen-alternative-little-10

• https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/01/cvs-just-announced-a-super-cheap-generic-alternative-to-epipen/

• https://cvshealth.com/newsroom/press-releases/cvs-health-offers-patients-lowest-cash-price-market-generic-epinephrine-auto

• https://theoutline.com/post/887/cvs-is-selling-a-super-cheap-epipen-alternative-but-will-people-buy-it

It should include three parts in the paper:

• Key consumer and brand relationship insights

• Message direction, design and execution

• Strategic consistency

Reference no: EM131456906

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