Discuss about the marketing in communication

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131457008 , Length: word count : 3000

Marketing in communication Essay (3000 words exclude cover page and reference)

• Any topic related to marketing communications can be chosen.

• Cross-cultural nature is desirable.

• No primary research is required.

• Assessed on the basis of your understanding of international marketing communications strategy or tactics.

• Cite all references properly using the APA or Harvard style.

• Format:

- Page 1: Cover page

- Page 2-6: Essay

• 5 single-spaced pages plus a list of references

• Must be typed in Corbel, Calibri or Times Roman 12 point, with 2.5 centimetres margins.

• Figures, tablesand visual in an appendix.

Reference no: EM131457008

Questions Cloud

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Explain what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses : Based on the results of your assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? How might your personality type influence your job performance?
Discuss about the marketing in communication : Discuss about Any topic related to marketing communications can be chosen.Cross-cultural nature is desirable.
Identify the symptoms of the organizational behavior : Identify the symptoms of the organizational behavior problem you have observed and discuss your rationale for choosing the concepts, theories, or research findings to explain the situation.
Compute the interest rate paid on korean deposits : In addition, the bank deposits in Japan pay a 3% interest rate. a. Compute the interest rate paid on Korean deposits.
Which country would treasurer want to invest company funds : The treasurer of a major U.S. firm has $30 million to invest for three months. which country would the treasurer want to invest the company’s funds? Why?
Conduct an environmental and competitive analysis of firm : s a Strategy Consultant, you are required to conduct a research on a company of your choice that has experienced performance failure in recent years as measured


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