Discuss about the marketing channel strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131339573

Using Marketing Channels and Price to Create Value for Customers

Learning Outcomes

Marketing Channels. Student can outline a multi-channel distribution system

Marketing channel strategy. Student can recommend a marketing channel strategy for a product or service offering that assures the correct amount of intensity.

Value chain. Student can discuss how each channel in the product or service offering adds value to the customer.

Pricing strategy. Student can analyze a current pricing strategy and make recommendations for modifications.


This assignment assesses your ability to relate marketing mix concepts of distribution and pricing to your product or service offering. You will also have a chance to recommend new distribution and pricing strategies based on your new target market to meet their needs.
Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page to include your name, your product or service name, and the name of your target market. Then answer each of the following four questions in order numbering each of your responses. There is no need to repeat the question.

1. Marketing channels. To the best of your ability, outline the marketing channels of your product or service offering as they currently exist. Refer to Figure 6.2 for some ideas. Most product and service offerings will have more than one channel, so your system should include at least two, for example (1) a direct channel for internet sales: manufacturer --> customer; and (2) an indirect channel such as manufacturer --> distributor --> wholesaler --> retailer --> customer. If your product or service only has only a direct channel, explain why. Would this channel strategy change as a result of your new target market? Why or why not?

2. Marketing channel strategy. Why type of distribution intensity strategy does your product or service currently use? How do you know this? Would this distribution intensity strategy change for your new target market? Why or why not?

3. Value chain. Referring back to your marketing channel diagram, discuss what each member of the value chain does to bring value to the consumer.

4. Pricing strategy. Referring to the various pricing strategies outlined in the week's readings, which one does your product or service currently use. Would you recommend any changes for your new target market? If so, how would you change it and why?

Be sure to follow all of the submission requirements outlined in the syllabus and provided below again for your easy reference:

• Prepare as a word processed document (such as Microsoft Word).

• Your assignment should be the equivalent of two pages of double-spaced text, approximately 1/2 page for each of the four questions.

• Be sure your name, writing assignment number, and the name of your product or service are on the first page of your writing assignment.

• Use a simple 12-point font such as Times New Roman. Use black ink for majority of your work and only use colors if it enhances your ability to communicate your thoughts.

• If the writing assignment requires external research, be sure to use footnotes and include a bibliography. You may use MLA or APA style, or any other college-level style guide. More information about using a style guide can be found in the UMUC's virtual library accessible from your LEO classroom or at umuc.edu/library.

Reference no: EM131339573

Questions Cloud

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Benefits and drawbacks of ipsec tunneling mode : What are the benefits and drawbacks of IPsec tunneling mode and IPsec transport mode?
Discuss about the marketing channel strategy : Marketing channel strategy. Why type of distribution intensity strategy does your product or service currently use? How do you know this? Would this distribution intensity strategy change for your new target market? Why or why not?
What are some factors that influence personal attraction : What are some factors that influence personal attraction? What does Social Psychology say that helps us understand the psychological factors that impact personal attraction, and how does this information help us as human beings
What is machine learning : 1) What is machine learning? 2) What is the relationship between Machine Learning & Big Data? 3) Provide a few business cases where Machine Learning would help.
Define hie : Define HIE Explain the purpose and use of HIE. Explain the 3 key forms of HIE.
What is the access time of the disk cache : Work through all combinations of actions that can occur in the directory method described in Section 3.8, drawing a flow diagram and the values of the bits in the directories.


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