Discuss about the liability and quality

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Reference no: EM131317982 , Length: word count:250

"Liability and Quality" Please respond to the following:

As a healthcare administrator, you have been tasked with researching your hospital's compliance in the proper reporting of both medical and non-medical errors made by the staff. Compare the relationship of hospital's corporate liability with that of each employee's vicarious liability in the event of an error. Discuss the essential steps that your organization can take to reduce occurrences in both. Provide at least two (2) examples of the successful application of such steps to support your rationale.

Interpret the extent to which public reporting and value-based purchasing improve healthcare quality. Include a comparison of two to three (2-3) advantages to each reporting method. Support your response with two (2) examples of healthcare quality improvements that could have resulted from of an organization implementing each type of reporting method in question.

Healthcare Policy and Law class. Must be 250 words must cite work.

Reference no: EM131317982

Questions Cloud

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Discuss about the liability and quality : As a healthcare administrator, you have been tasked with researching your hospital's compliance in the proper reporting of both medical and non-medical errors made by the staff. Compare the relationship of hospital's corporate liability with that ..
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