Reference no: EM131329270 , Length: word count:400
Please answer in 1-2 paragraphs only--No Plagiarism
"Government and the Arts; Abstract Expressionism and Music" Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
Examine the U.S. Government's support during the Great Depression for programs, such as the Federal Arts Project, the Federal Writers' Project, and other such efforts. Determine whether or not such projects were good government investments during those hard times, and provide two (2) examples that support your viewpoint. Determine in what ways the U.S. government currently tries to support the arts.
State whether you agree or disagree with the perception of Abstract Expressionism as exemplifying individualism and freedom. Explain the reasons for your views. Compare and contrast one (1) example of Abstract Expressionist visual art to John Cage's musical compositions. After reviewing the pages and Websites below, explain how an abstract expressionist artist might respond to the assertion "my kid could paint that". Explain your position on that assertion.
Government and the Arts
Chapter 37 (pp. 1228-1232), Federal support for the arts
Government helping the arts in hard times at and
Abstract Expressionism and Music
Chapter 38 (pp. 1255-1263, and 1268-9), Abstract Expressionism
Chapter 38 (pp. 1266-1269), Music of Chance; review the Week 9 "Music Folder"
John Cage, listen and see - "Dream" at
John Cage, listen and see -- "4'33'" at
"My Kid Could Draw That" views:;
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