Discuss about the gestational diabetes

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Reference no: EM131484919

Assignment Instructions:

Topic: Gestational Diabetes.

The topic of the research paper will be any disease or condition of the body. The paper must include a thorough description of the disease/condition; current statistics of those affected - epidemiology; financial costs both terms of treatment and loss of productivity; explanations on how the various body systems (anatomically and/or physiologically) are affected; etiology; medications/treatments that are available; prognosis of those affected, and future outlook in general.

Your paper should be written in the THIRD PERSON taking the individual out of the writing and avoiding pronouns such as I, we, my, our (first person) and you, yours, your, us, we (second person).

You should deal with facts and not opinions, thus providing citations within your paper and on your reference page.

Focus on the subject itself and not on your feelings about the subject. The use of third person retains a formal tone in your writing. The use of first and second person can make a document seem more casual.

As always, I highly suggest that you utilize The Owl at Purdue site for assistance with formatting your paper in the APA style.

These links will take you the resources you will need to complete your paper. You may also access them through the course menu bar on the left.

The research paper instructions.

The Research Paper rubric that will show you how points are allotted in the grading of your paper.

Some pointers/guidelines to follow when writing your paper.

A sample APA formatted paper.

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Reference no: EM131484919

Questions Cloud

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Under what social and economic conditions markets are fail : Under what social and economic conditions are markets likely to fail? When is there likely to be government failure? Is macroeconomic inefficiency.
Discuss about the gestational diabetes : The topic of the research paper will be any disease or condition of the body. The paper must include a thorough description of the disease/condition.
Option-solutions to climate change : Climate change is an environmental problem occurring on an immense scale, extending to every natural area on Earth.
Sole responsibility of the employee : You may view stress as the sole responsibility of the employee.
Define guiding principles and values for your division : Strategic Plan- Define guiding principles and values for your division; also consider values for culture, social responsibility, and ethics.
What is the conditional convergence : Distinguish between "conditional convergence" and "unconditional convergence" of per capita income. On what does "conditional" convergence of income depend.


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