Discuss about the gambling disorders

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Reference no: EM132836341

Question: Write a 700-1,050 --word paper about gambling disorders. Include the following in your paper:

1. The definition of gambling

2. DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria

3. Risk Factors (minimum of three)

4. Warning Signs (minimum of three)

5. Treatment options (include in your area)

6. A minimum of three scholarly references

Reference no: EM132836341

Questions Cloud

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Should expect assault or caretaking of women by men : Should expect assault or caretaking of women by men in the military? What other explanations could there be? Is this an example of victim-blaming?
Discuss about the gambling disorders : Write a 700-1,050 --word paper about gambling disorders. Include the following in your paper: Treatment options (include in your area).
What is the amount of inventory at the end of the year : The firm uses the periodic system, and there are 25 units of the commodity on hand at the end of the year. What is the amount of inventory at the end of year
Establish a regional grouping : Assuming that you are a leader of a country, establish a regional grouping, what would you have it called (the name should not be expressed in acronyms)?
Why substance use disorder and hiv-aids could be considered : Write an essay of 250-500 words, explaining why there is prevalence among alcohol and/or drug users for HIV/AIDS infection. Include the following in your paper.
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