Reference no: EM132257941
Poster/ Flier/ Brochure Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, students will be required to develop a either a poster, flier or brochure that communicates and educates an important aspect of the science behind the prevention and the treatment of a global infectious disease.
Students are required to select a global infectious disease and create an educational poster, flier or brochure (choose 1) teaching the public about the disease.
All work must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS or correctly cited in APA format.
The poster/ flier/ brochure (choose 1) must include:
• a description of the global infectious disease and the body system affected
• key terms and definitions
• what symptoms to watch out for
• who is susceptible to the disease (age, gender, race, or group of people most affected)
• risk factors which contribute to its development
• ways in which you can reduce your risk factors
• potential treatments or cures (if any)
• effectiveness of the treatments
• appropriate pictures, photos, drawings, or illustrations
• recommend two or three websites that provide clear, valuable and reliable information
• any additional content that will enhance your message
The final product of the poster/ flier/ brochure (choose 1) should be well-developed pamphlet, similar to what you would pick up at a doctor's office educating you about this condition.
Some examples of global infectious diseases include:
• Tuberculosis
• Measles
• Meningococcal meningitis
• Chikungunya
• Malaria
• Plague
• Pneumonia
• Rubella
• Poliomyelitis
• Rabies
• Hepatitis B
• Buruli ulcer
• Hepatitis E
• Hepatitis A
• Foodborne trematodiases
• Ebola virus disease
• Hepatitis C
• Yellow fever
• Dengue and severe dengue
• Trachoma
• Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis)
• Lymphatic filariasis
• Onchocerciasis
• Trypanosomiasis, human African (sleeping sickness)
• Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease)
• Echinococcosis
• Japanese encephalitis
• Vector-borne diseases
• Avian influenza
• Influenza (Seasonal)
• Cholera
• Yaws
• Leprosy
• Leishmaniasis
• Diarrhoeal disease
• Taeniasis/cysticercosis
• Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
• Marburg haemorrhagic fever
• Monkeypox
• Rift Valley fever
• Smallpox
• Wild poliovirus
• Enterovirus
• Zika virus
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