Discuss about the distribution channel strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131293515 , Length: 3

Write 2-3 pages analyze and 1 page speech dreft for :

Place/Distribution Channel Strategy.

Ps:Make sure our company is Chevrolet.

· Design place/distribution channel that satisfy needs and wants of the target market and support other marketing mix elements (product, pricing, and promotion strategies). It is extremely important that you take into consideration the critical marketing environmental factors, the target market's buying preferences and behavior, and competition when developing distribution channel strategy. Key considerations may include develop distribution channel structure, decide whether to develop new channels or select from existing channel members, suggest appropriate activities or incentives to retain and motivate channel members/partners, create guideline to work with distribution channel members, propose decision regarding logistics and supply chain management, etc.

· Action plan: suggest implementation of activities related to distribution decisions e.g., all proposed activities, responsibilities (who or which department is responsible for carrying out a specific activity) and timetables for completion. This is a 3-year action plan.

· Estimate cost of distribution channels and logistics for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years of operation. You may estimate distribution channel cost per unit of the assigned product. This information will be used in financial projection. You may follow the format suggestion (a combination of text, bullet points, and tables) in "product strategy."

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Reference no: EM131293515

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