Discuss about the critical components of a marketing plan

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131809012

Assignment : SWOT Analysis

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) are critical components of a marketing plan. For this assignment, you will build a marketing plan for an organization, product, or service of your choice.

Begin by selecting an organization, product, or service for your marketing plan and complete the following:

Describe the organization, product, or service that you selected for this assignment.

Using the SWOT analysis, evaluate your market and future competition for your selection.

Provide your recommendations for benchmarking and creating a competitive advantage based on your analysis.

Develop a 6-8-slide presentation, excluding the title and reference slides, in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131809012

Questions Cloud

Describe your departments culture : Write to the company leadership to describe your department's culture, why it's effective, and what strategies you think the company.
Construct a choice table for interest rates : (a) Construct a choice table for interest rates from 0% to 100%.
Steady market but is considered traditional product : Boroline is a heritage Indian brand with a steady market but is considered a ‘traditional’ product.
What fraction of the variation in salaries can be explained : What fraction of the variation in salaries can be explained by the fact that some employees are older than others?
Discuss about the critical components of a marketing plan : Provide your recommendations for benchmarking and creating a competitive advantage based on your analysis.
Incremental rate of return analysis : Construct a choice table for interest rates from 0% to 100%.
Find the confidence interval for the mean salary : Find the 95% confidence interval for a new individual (from the same population from which the data were drawn) who is 50 years old.
Compute the factory overhead controllable variance : The following data is given for the Walker Company: Actual production 980 units. The factory overhead controllable variance is
Leading within changing global business environment : Explain the implications of leading within a changing global business environment.


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