Reference no: EM131442770
Please rebuttal,respond,and answer each of the following questions or post statements. Must be 150 words (please), write in 3rd person.only one reference can be used for each answer. Must be 150 to 200 words (please), write in 3rd person.please make sure to use scholarly peer reviewed articles and place each reference used under each answer.
DQ 1
Consultative leaders who encourage staff to share ideas and opinions benefits from having multiple points of view to determine the best course of actions. Leaders who practice consultative and participative leadership strongly motivate employees to commit to an organization and report higher job satisfaction (Ismail, Zainuddin, & Ibrahim, 2010).
Learning organizations that encourage team members to exchange ideas and thoughts promotes a collaborative environment. Committed and satisfied employees may be more open to share with ideas and work with peers for the good of the team and organization. Combining consultative leaders and subordinates in a collaborative environment may demonstrate an organization that not only "talks the talk, but walks the walk."
Because individuals seldom have access to all relevant information, group discussion enables both leaders and members to carry out decisions that have increased commitment to implementation (Supovitz&Tognatta, 2013).
It appears the underlying assumption of a consultative leader is that they are not capable of making up their own mind and are too dependent on consensus. Assuming leadership has created an atmosphere that encourages collaboration and free flowing ideas, a leader would have established a relationship with subordinates that would not require consultation for each decision no matter how small.
Consultative leaders who use transformational leadership styles may be able to balance out concerns. Engaging transformational leadership styles to conduct business yields positive results of increased individual commitment to the well-being of the organization, trust in leadership, job satisfaction, and increased motivation and morale of subordinates (Eliophotou-Menon &Ioannou, 2016).
Eliophotou-Menon, M., &Ioannou, A. (2016). The link between transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction, commitment, motivation to learn, and trust in the leader. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 20(3), 12.
Ismail, A., Zainuddin, N. A., & Ibrahim, Z. (2010). Linking participative and consultative leadership styles to organizational commitment as an antecedent of job satisfaction. UNITAR E-Journal, 6(1), 11-26.
Supovitz, J. A., &Tognatta, N. (2013). The impact of distributed leadership on collaborative team decision making. Leadership & Policy in Schools, 12(2), 101-121. doi:10.1080/15700763.2013.810274
DQ 2
Donna, Shawn and class, Thank you for the wonderful detailed work. From these authors, which ones have the best research? Why do you feel this way?
Eliophotou-Menon, M., &Ioannou, A. (2016). The link between transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction, commitment, motivation to learn, and trust in the leader. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 20(3), 12.
Ismail, A., Zainuddin, N. A., & Ibrahim, Z. (2010). Linking participative and consultative leadership styles to organizational commitment as an antecedent of job satisfaction. UNITAR E-Journal, 6(1), 11-26.
Supovitz, J. A., &Tognatta, N. (2013). The impact of distributed leadership on collaborative team decision making. Leadership & Policy in Schools, 12(2), 101-121. doi:10.1080/15700763.2013.810274
DQ 3
As organizations struggle to remain competitive by keeping up with current technology trends, the traditional view of leadership is slowly beginning to shift to environments where leadership could come from anywhere in the organization. Collins (2014) explains that leadership in the twenty first century organizations is no longer the domain of "the great man".
This does not mean organizations have become ideal democracies but informal leadership by employees in not necessarily the person in charge but someone who demonstrates the personal qualities to influence in a situation from an indirect position of power. In organizations that encourage individuals to share thoughts and ideas must also recruit leaders that are aligned with shared leadership mentality.
If recruited leaders are not aligned with this organizational structured system the organization will be effected when decisions are made. On the other hand if recruited leaders are aligned with shared leadership system, they will harness a blend of individual talents to form a cohesive and motivated productive team. Supovitz&Tognatta (2013) assert that the involvement in the decision making is somewhat dependent on the type of decision that needs to be made, for example for decisions that are urgent or required regulatory compliance where there is no need for group involvement.
However, in decision where quality and acceptance are important can benefit from collaborative decision-making. Supovitz&Tognatta (2013) go on to say that strong theoretical arguments support that organizations benefit from structuring decision making as a group rather than the individual process. However, there will be many instances in which an effective leader will need to step in and analyze all the facts and inputs from the team to make the most productive and reasonable decision.
Collins, C. (2014). Better together. Training Journal, 50-53.
Supovitz, J. A., &Tognatta, N. (2013). The Impact of Distributed Leadership on Collaborative Team Decision Making. Leadership & Policy In Schools, 12(2), 101-121. doi:10.1080/15700763.2013.810274