Discuss about the campbells approach

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Reference no: EM131440381


Campbell's Approach

The Campbell Soup portion at the beginning of the chapter was a good overview on how a company can take a different approach to obtain information on a particular group of consumers.

The company had representatives shop and eat with millennials at home and in restaurants to gain knowledge on particular spending patterns and eating habits. They determined that distributing the product in a pouch with unique flavors would increase demand.

I think of the fruit pouches that have come out for both babies and toddlers with different varieties to eat on the go. With two small children, it can be hard to get them to eat fruits and vegetables directly.

If I give them a fruit pouch to have in the car, its gone in no time. They are relatively inexpensive so its both convenient and affordable. A business that puts additional time into analyzing a group can gain insight on how to best market or create a product.


Walmart is one of the most visible and prominent American success stories. They have become the world's largest retailer and show no signs of stopping. Walmart differentiates itself from other retailers like Target, K-mart, and Sears in many ways. The most obvious way is the sheer volume of offerings that Walmart has as compared to its competitors.

When walking into a Walmart, there is a chance you will come across a restaurant like McDonald's or Subway, a walk-in Dr. clinic, an optometrist, a bank, which does not even include its own variety of products from lawn equipment to groceries. Walmart offers basically anything and everything, and for generally lower prices than its competitors.

In terms of marketing, Walmart has continued to reinvent itself as the consumer culture changes while always focusing on their emphasis of having the lowest prices.

Reference no: EM131440381

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