Reference no: EM133286653
Please complete the following journal entry, when completing the journal entry, answer each questions with coherent sentences and provide explanation.
"To rule is easy, to govern difficult."
- Johann von Goethe
"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one . . ."
- Thomas Paine
1. What does each of these quotes mean to you?
2. Think about how each of those two quotes apply to these different systems of government (so there should be two paragraphs for each system of government, one paragraph for the first quote and one separate for the second quote)
• Dictatorship, in which one person has all the power
• Monarchy, in which power is vested in a family and is hereditary
• Republic, in which representatives hold power on behalf of the population at large
• Democracy, where the citizens hold the power
3. Also think about how parliamentarian, authoritarian, and theocratic governments fit into these systems. Make a paragraph of your thoughts.
4. Is it always easy to categorize a government, or are there overlaps?
5. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of system?