Discuss about oracle software security assurance

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132355551

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcomes

1. Create and maintain a Database System
2. Design an enterprise data model that incorporates all of the data used by an organization's business processes
3. Devise and implement database security policies

Analyze the following scenario and answer the following questions:

Muscat Opera House wants to maintain records about the different concerts performed in a season. A concert is identified by a concert number and another attribute is concert date, which consists of month, day, year, and time. For each concert there is one conductor, a person who will conduct the concert. Information stored about conductor includes conductor id and conductor name. A conductor may conduct any number of concerts, or may not conduct any concerts. A concert includes the performance of one or more compositions, which are music or songs to be performed in a concert. A composition may be performed at one or more concerts, or may not be performed.

A composition has composition id, composer name, composition name as attributes. Each composition may require one or more soloist, or may not require a soloist. A soloist is a person who performs a given composition on a concert. A soloist may perform one or more compositions or may not perform any composition. Attributes of soloist are soloist id and soloist name. Muscat Opera House wishes to record the date when a soloist last performed a given composition.

Task 1

Work Proposal:

Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 03/08/2019 which must include:
• Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
• General overview of task 2 - initial understanding of solution to tasks 2 and 3.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task 2:
Discuss about the following:
a) architecture of ORACLE Memory Structure

[Your research must covers Oracle SGA, PGA and User Session Information]

b) ORACLE Disk Utilization Structures.

(The total number of words for this session would be max. 250 words in addition to relevant diagrams)

Task 3:

As a database administrator perform the following tasks for the scenario given above: [Lab demo is required. There will be NO MARKS without a lab demo. The lab demo schedule will be announced in week #9]

i. Create separate physical structures for the new schema as per OFA guidelines [Create and rename the table space]
ii. Create a Schema with appropriate privileges.
iii. Identify the tables from above scenario and create database tables with correct relationships and constraints.
iv. Create one complex VIEW to any two tables you created above and select data by using it
v. Create two SEQUENCES and the use it for insert data into any two different tables.

Task 4:

"Oracle's security practices are multidimensional and reflect the various ways Oracle engages with its customers"

In the view of above statement choose an organization in Sultanate of Oman where the security of the data is critical as well as strict security policies are applied on each transactions.

You answer should cover the following:

a) Write the introduction and corporate data security Practices.
b) Discuss about the Security Practices imposed in database server of the organization chosen.
c) Discuss about Oracle Software Security Assurance.

You are required to use appropriate literature review and use of many library resources to complete this assignment. You will achieve maximum marks for using correct Citation and CU-Harvard Referencing Style in your assignment.

Reference no: EM132355551

Questions Cloud

What are the three theoretical approaches : What are the three theoretical approaches to ethics and briefly describe what they mean.
Concept behind psychodynamic leadership : What is the concept behind psychodynamic leadership and how does it work to improve effectiveness?
Create function that accepts a full directory path parameter : Create a function that accepts a full directory path parameter and a ?le name parameter that recursively searches all folders and suhfolders under the provided
What are the four archetypes : What are the four archetypes (models) and briefly describe what they mean.
Discuss about oracle software security assurance : DATABASE SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION (COMP 1011) - Discuss about the Security Practices imposed in database server of the organization chosen
What is the concept of adaptive leadership : What is the concept of adaptive leadership in organizations?
Initial framework for servant leadership : The initial framework for Servant Leadership in 1970 by Greenleaf contends that "formal leaders should act as servants first and leaders second" (p. 197).
Determine whether each series converges or diverges : Using either the Ratio or Root test (whichever you find more appropriate), determine whether each series converges or diverges
Write a program that reads the contents of a text file : Write a program that reads the contents of a text file. The program should create a dictionary in which the key-value pairs are described.



8/10/2019 2:05:14 AM

5 Marks Demonstrate adequate knowledge of organization with proper explanation of Organization selected. 9-10 Excellent knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts and /or excellent knowledge and understanding of the application of theory in practice 5 Excellent knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts and /or excellent knowledge and understanding of the application of theory in practice


8/10/2019 2:05:07 AM

6-10 Marks Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables General overview of task 1,2& 3 9-16 17 - 20 Marks Discussed about SGA, PGA and User session with limited information. All instance Architecture mentioned and discussed in detail; demonstrating the knowledge. (No marks without a lab demonstration) Or fail to demonstrate/prove his/ her own work 4-5 Marks Physical Structure with OFA guidelines and rename it 4-5 Marks Schema created with appropriate storage specification and Grant command is used. 1-20 Marks 5 marks for each table with appropriate constraint created as per the scenario. (3 marks each for table creation without constraint. 2 mark each for constraints like primary key, not null etc….) 6-10 Marks Create a complex view ( by using ‘inner join’) and used it for select data ( screen shots must be provided ) 6-10 TWO Sequences created and provided evidence for data insert.


8/10/2019 2:04:39 AM

? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Section Name ? Student name ? Student ID Number ? Faculty Name ? The Table of Contents Should have, each deliverable task number, content, page number ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline


8/10/2019 2:04:26 AM

You should upload your assignment by the time and date mentioned above to the MOODLE under Assignment link. You need to provide the solution to ALL questions. Evaluation Criteria Detailed evaluation criteria has been given in evaluation grid at the end of the document. Lab demonstration and written viva. There will be no marks without written Viva . The written Viva is to measure originality of your work. ZERO marks will be awarded to the student if she / he is absent for VIVA. During presentation, you may asked to write SQL queries for checking the originality of the student work.

Write a Review

Database Management System Questions & Answers

  State the rule that is applied to place an entity in 1st nf

State the rule that is applied to place an entity into second normal form. Revise the data model (if necessary) to place it in second normal form.

  Create a database called company consisting of two tables

Create a database called COMPANY consisting of two tables - EMP & DEPT 2. Perform the following queries on the tables just created: 1. List the names of analysts and salesmen. 2. List details of employees who have joined before 30 Sep 81.

  Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data

Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data facility versus the dispersed arrangement it replaces. Evaluate the issues raised from the Carlson SAN mixing equipment from a number of vendors and determine the management option..

  Types of relationships in a design model of a database

There are many kinds of relationships in a design model of a database. Why is it important to classify each of these types in an ERD Model?

  Relations of airline flight information

The relations given below keep track of airline flight information:Flights(flno: integer, from: string, to: string, distance:integer, departs: time, arrives: time, price: real)Aircraft(aid: integer, aflame: string, cruisingrange: integer)

  Create database with appropriate field-naming conventions

Create database tables with appropriate field-naming conventions. Then, identify primary keys and foreign keys, and how referential integrity will be achieved.

  Prepare a report related to business communications

Prepare a report - The report should be related to Business communications.

  Display the data using the customer table

Display the data using the customer table to verify that the change has been made. Construct a view on the customers tablecalled CA_CUSTOMERS that consists of all data about customers that live in California.

  What do you find most interesting in the failure stories

What generalizations apply across the cases? ?What do you find most interesting in the failure stories? ?Do they provide any insights about how a failure might be avoided

  Create a view named v_worker showing the student number

Create a view called v_no_points with all the columns of the assignment table except the points column.

  Produce an entity-relationship model for the scenario

Produce an Entity-Relationship Model for the scenario, Query your database, Optimize your Database,Secure your Database, and built Building a Web Interface

  Describe the challenges that an organization will face when

describe the challenges that an organization will face when changing business processes and how information systems

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