Discuss about a business leader elon musk

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Reference no: EM133395771 , Length: Words Count:2000


You are required to prepare a case study about a business leader Elon Musk.. You have been informed that your case study will be used for training purposes and you should discuss theoretical perspectives supported by examples about your chosen leader contribution to their organisation. The structure of the case study should include the following:

• Background to the organisation and the business leader with a justification of your choice.

• Explain the meaning of strategic leadership and importance to the selected organisation.

• Contrast the main approaches to the study of leadership and the approach relevant to the organisation.

• Critically evaluate the role of the leader in developing strategy.

• Critically explore the exercise of leadership power and influence.

• Critically review the importance of ethics, values and corporate social responsibilities to an organisations value.

• Critically evaluate leadership and sustainability concepts and trends

(2000 words)

Reference no: EM133395771

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