Discuss a thread-binary or binary opposition

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133545985


1. Discuss a thread, binary, or binary opposition that has started to emerge for you in your reading so far in "Jesus' Son. You may use quotations in support of your discussion, but you do not have to. Paraphrase will be fine, as long as you include parenthetical citations for your references to the book. Remember, threads deal with accrual through multiple stories. Also, have you noticed an anomaly to the thread, binary, or binary opposition that you wrote about?

HINT: Think beyond substance abuse and addiction, which are plot elements rather than threads. Look deeper!

2. Step into a short quote from Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama's essay "Identity and Intercultural Communication" that seems related to the thread, etc. that you just wrote about. Step out of the quote by explicating how it sheds light on, alters, or in any way influences your understanding of what you wrote about above.

3. Reflect on our course theme of Outlaws & Outcasts. What characters so far in Jesus' Son seem to fit one or both or those terms? Explain your choices.

Reference no: EM133545985

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