Discuss a problem in social welfare

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133672722


Consider a problem in social welfare in which you have a special interest.

  • How is this topic viewed in your community?
  • How is this topic viewed in your state?
  • Would it be difficult for you to research this topic in your state due to the personal feelings citizens have about this topic?
  • What are some ways you might persuade different populations to answer a survey about this topic?
  • What questions would be on your survey?
  • Help others with the climate issues with their topic and how they might persuade different populations to answer the survey question.
  • Also, suggest open-ended questions that might assist them with developing a survey.

Reference no: EM133672722

Questions Cloud

Is this evidence for a causal relationship : President George W Bush emphasized abstinence-only sex education. Is this evidence for a causal relationship between the Bush policies and teen pregnancy rates?
What is the most likely cause of spontaneous subarachnoid : A middle-aged patient with no significant past medical history presents to emergency. What is the most likely cause of the spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage?
What is the approximate percentage of females infected : What is the approximate percentage of females infected with syphilis who will have an adverse birth outcome, such as miscarriage and stillbirth.
What is the most likely diagnosis : Laboratory findings show severe anemia and a loss of stem cells in the bone marrow. An autoimmune process is suspected. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Discuss a problem in social welfare : Consider a problem in social welfare in which you have a special interest. How is this topic viewed in your community?
What is the most appropiate next step : Patient with candida in the gingival mucosa in the upper premolar region, an the lesión was 4 mm. What is the most appropiate next step?
Which is not typically associated with chronic topical use : A middle-aged female patient with a long history of atopic dermatitis reports using. Which is NOT typically associated with chronic topical corticosteroid use?
Explain what is meant by constructing selfhood : Explain what is meant by "constructing selfhood," and how is that achieved exactly? Finally, explain ways we "connect to the social world."
How would the nurse practitioner most accurately document : A nurse practitioner observes a patient during a clinical interview. How would the nurse practitioner most accurately document the patient's mood and affect?


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