Discuss a concept called package pricing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697721

Details: APA Format 3-5 Pages EXCLUDING abstract, title, and reference page. 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published in the last 5 year


Steven Jones recently returned from a week-long hiking trip out West. During the last leg of the journey, Stevens hiking boot became lodged in an old branch, and he fell. The mishap caused a tear in the meniscus of his right knee. The emergency room physician told him he would need to see an orthopedic physician to get the meniscus repaired.

Steven has high-deductible insurance. When he got home, he searched the Internet to find orthopedic physicians in his community. The first one he found was a 35-physician group with a banner reading, Your bones knit best with us. Searching the site, Steven found information on the partners, their research, and some educational materials but little else.

The second group he found was called Macomb Orthopedic Group; it was made up of 10 physicians. The Web site contained a profile about each physician as well as price estimates for various procedures. The Web page instructed him how to register and complete the paperwork by downloading it from the site. It also explained how to submit his insurance information so they could supply a written estimate of costs for the procedure.

Write a paper to address the following:

Describe in detail the positioning strategy for each of these physician groups.

Based on what you see here, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these groups? Explain your reasoning.

The second group also discusses a concept called package pricing.Explain how this works, and include its advantages and disadvantages.

What recommendations would you make for these groups as far as their Web presence?

Reference no: EM131697721

Questions Cloud

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Discuss a concept called package pricing : The second group also discusses a concept called package pricing.Explain how this works, and include its advantages and disadvantages.
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Define the customer value proposition : Discuss the differences between the marketing process and advertising, the goals of creating a strong customer value proposition


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